How to enjoy the starry sky 10 times, with the “five senses” and “five desires

The starry sky for all five senses 10 Ways to Enjoy the Starry Sky , the first half five pieces are #8220;feel with the five senses#8221;. Enjoying starry sky by the sense of visual A starry sky in perfect darkness In an ideal location with no artificial light at all, the starry sky underneath is only about one-third of a billionth of the brightness of a clear daylight. If you have the opportunity to go to such a place, you can use your natural human abilities to the fullest and enjoy the darkness. If you turn off the unnecessary lights as much as possible and let your eyes get used hellip; Continue reading How to enjoy the starry sky 10 times, with the #8220;five senses#8221; and #8220;five desires